The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Tackling the Postcode Lottery of Dementia Diagnosis in Rural England

The recent report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia, "Raising the Barriers," funded by Alzheimer's Society, reveals a troubling postcode lottery affecting the timeliness and quality of dementia diagnoses across England, particularly in rural and deprived regions.

The report highlights a stark reality: where you live significantly influences the likelihood of receiving a timely and accurate dementia diagnosis. With diagnosis rates in some areas soaring above 80% and plummeting to just over 40% in others, the gap reflects deep-rooted inequalities that leave thousands without the crucial support they need to navigate this challenging condition.

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated an already dire situation, causing a noticeable drop in diagnosis rates from 67.6% to 61%, a figure that has struggled to recover. This decline has real-world implications, leaving approximately 257,390 individuals living with dementia without an accurate diagnosis or the essential support it brings.

The report, drawing on insights from over 2,300 individuals living with dementia, healthcare professionals, and academics, highlights the multifaceted barriers faced by those in rural and deprived communities. From limited transportation options to a general reluctance to seek diagnosis, the road to recognition of dementia symptoms is fraught with obstacles that go beyond mere geographical isolation. Such barriers not only delay diagnosis but also exacerbate the stigma and misunderstanding surrounding dementia, making the journey even more isolating for those affected and their families.

Innovative solutions and best practices do exist, demonstrating that improvement is not just possible but achievable with concerted effort. Examples of success, such as community-led awareness programs and dementia-friendly initiatives, shine a light on the path forward, offering hope and a blueprint for replication across the NHS. These initiatives are not only about improving numbers; they're about transforming lives, ensuring that individuals living with dementia, regardless of their postcode, have access to the diagnosis and support they deserve.

The report's recommendations are a clarion call to action, urging the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, NHS England, and Integrated Care System leaders to prioritise dementia diagnosis, improve data collection, and foster a culture of learning and improvement across the healthcare system. By taking a whole-system approach and embracing the voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector, we can bridge the gap between rural and urban healthcare access.

Kerry Booth, Chief Executive, Rural Services Network

In the heart of our rural communities, the challenges in accessing health care are not just about distance; they're about fairness and equality. The 'Raising the Barriers' report shines a critical light on these issues, highlighting how our rural residents face unique obstacles from transportation difficulties to service availability. At the Rural Services Network, we've long advocated for a healthcare system that acknowledges and adapts to the specific needs of rural populations. This report's findings and recommendations underscore the urgent need for strategic planning and targeted investments to ensure that no one is left behind because of where they live. It's time to prioritise accessibility, enhance local care options, and address the workforce shortages in rural areas. By doing so, we can pave the way for a more equitable healthcare system that truly serves all communities.


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