The National Rural Conference 2023 Conference Sponsor - Northern Powergrid

Priority Services for you

At Northern Powergrid we understand that all our customers are individuals with unique needs, and people living in rural areas may need additional support or advice during a power cut.

We understand that power cuts can cause a worry, particularly if you, or someone you care for, needs the power on for medical reasons or has trouble communicating. As well as living in an isolated or rural area, you may be elderly, sick or disabled, or have young children to look after at home. Whatever the reason, we have developed tailored services and guidance to ensure you get the support you need.

As a Priority Services Customer, our Priority Services Membership team will make sure you receive extra help and peace of mind if there is a power cut.

We'll contact you to let you know what time your power is likely to be back and on how we may be able to help. We do this regardless of the time of day or night by text message, if we have a mobile phone number for you, or by calling you, if we only have a landline number for you.

Becoming a Priority Services Member means we’re also able to give you a direct-dial number (0800 169 2996) to speak with our Priority Services team whenever you need us.

Members have access to additional services and benefits, such as regular updates to keep you as informed as possible.

We also partner with the British Red Cross who can provide home visits to customers who are vulnerable, isolated, or live in rural areas. Additionally, we can provide one-to-one support and assistance: hot meals and/or drinks provision phone charging facilities, and alternative accommodation if staying at home is unsafe for you during a power emergency.

Our Proactive Responders are also on-hand to customers living in rural areas to increase our response coverage and provide support wherever possible.

We work with a number of other partners who help us promote our Priority Services Membership and offer advice on keeping warm, staying safe and keeping your bills down.

Jane Crisp, Northern Powergrid’s Vulnerability Programme Manager said:

“As the company responsible for the network that delivers electricity to 8 million people across the North East, Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire, we take our responsibility very seriously when it comes to supporting vulnerable customers.

“Our Priority Services Membership (PSM) allows easier and quicker access to services during a power cut, and we have a range of support available.

“If you live in a rural or isolated area, our PSM Team can help make sure you’re prepared during a power outage, so you can carry on with your daily life.

“We also offer useful information on saving money,making the most of your energy supply, and low carbon measures that can help you become more resilient to power cuts.

“All services are free and confidential and it’s easy to sign up. Find out more and apply online at or call our Priority Services Membership Team on 0800 169 2996.”