Vital boost for community-led homes

Support for much-needed rural community housing has received a vital boost in Ryedale, North Yorkshire.

It will see Community First Yorkshire work with Ryedale District Council to tackle the challenge of providing affordable housing for local people.

Community-led housing can help local groups solve housing problems by creating their own genuinely affordable homes.

In doing so, it helps build stronger and more resilient communities.

Community First Yorkshire chief executive Leah Swain said affordable rural housing was an important issue locally – as well as further afield.

    See also: Residents urged to build own homes

“There is real need out there for affordable housing for local people, many of whom are often priced out of our villages because of second home ownership,” she said.

“It’s something we’re passionate about and we are thrilled to be awarded a two year contract to help support community-led housing in Ryedale.”

Ms Swain said the contract meant Community First Yorkshire could help more rural residents explore options to help meet local housing needs.


She added: “This is people-powered housing in action where local homes are firmly in the hands of community ownership.”

As part of the contract, Community First Yorkshire has organised a free community-led housing workshop for residents in Ryedale on Wednesday 28 February.

Attendees will be able to find out more about starting their own community-led housing project.

Luke Ives, of Ryedale District Council, said Community First Yorkshire had good local knowledge as well as expertise in community-led housing and other community development issues.

He said: “They are perfectly placed to encourage our communities to explore options for developing housing that exactly matches their needs.”

    Raise awareness

Community First Yorkshire will work to raise awareness of community-led housing among community groups, parish councils, landowners and other interested parties.

It will help communities to identify opportunities worth investing in and encourage groups to consider building and owning their own homes using the available funding.

Community First Yorkshire has already been working in partnership with the North Yorkshire and East Riding Housing Enablers to take-up of rural community-led housing schemes.

This toolkit of resources explains how to get a project started, the work involved and funding available to get projects off the ground.

Workshops will be delivered to get interested communities to find out more about the benefits of community led housing and why and how to do it.


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