Whole Place Reform Essential for Government's National Missions

A new report from Localis emphasises the need for comprehensive reforms to help the government achieve its ambitious national missions. The report calls for empowering local leaders to take proactive and preventative approaches to service provision and fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors.

The report argues that restoring financial stability to councils is essential for them to deliver on national renewal goals. It advocates for a transition to a "whole place" model of local public service reform, which would support the new government's objectives and provide a unique chance for lasting change after years of decline in English councils.

Titled Heart of the Matter – Getting to Grips with Whole Place Transformation, the report by the independent think-tank Localis recommends immediate government action to stabilise council finances. This would involve an urgent cash injection to safeguard frontline services while developing a plan for long-term financial sustainability. It also highlights the need to address council workforce capacity as a first step towards substantial, lasting improvements.

The report advocates for a renewal of place policy, balancing the promise of devolution and community empowerment with the fiscal and economic challenges councils face. Reflecting on past reform efforts, it suggests a whole place approach to improving local services through:

  • Empowering local leadership with long-term, stable funding to drive meaningful change.
  • Investing in preventative measures to address issues early, reducing pressure on frontline services and improving outcomes.
  • Promoting collaboration between public, private, and third sectors to create user-centred services.
  • Encouraging community co-design through meaningful engagement to meet residents' needs.

Localis Chief Executive, Jonathan Werran:

We are on the verge of a significant shift in how public services are delivered. This report provides a roadmap for change that is both ambitious and grounded in the real challenges facing local government.

Heart of the Matter' is a call for local and central government to work together in delivering high-quality, sustainable public services for our communities. A transformative whole-place approach can achieve the local services we all want, but it requires radical reform from central government and continued innovation from local leaders to secure long-term improvements.

Sean Hanson, Chief Executive of IMPOWER:

Heart of the Matter makes it clear that lasting social change and inclusive economic growth are only possible if we bring the promise of whole-place transformation to life.

The report looks at successful past initiatives, such as investment in prevention, collaborative partnerships, and community empowerment. It also points towards an exciting future where place leaders have the power and resources to drive long-term, inclusive growth. We look forward to supporting leaders in ensuring their areas are ready for this growth.

Download and read the report in full HERE.


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