WSP to design rural mobility strategy for South West England

New Civil Engineer reports that engineering consultancy firm, WSP, has been appointed to design a rural mobility strategy for the South West of England

The strategy has been jointly commissioned by the Peninsula Transport and Western Gateway sub-national transport bodies and will be the first rural mobility strategy developed at a sub-national level.

It will build on WSP’s “30-minute rural community” white paper published in July 2021, which pinpointed 10 key challenges for improving rural mobility, including: siloed budgets; limited and costly public transport; limited active travel infrastructure; and car dependency.

The strategy will help shape rural mobility policy across the South West by reflecting the diversity of and differences between rural areas.

The scope will include smaller coastal and estuarine settlements to understand the additional challenges that remote locations face. Western Gateway chair Mike Greene issued that:
“By identifying the challenges rural areas face, we can work together to begin to recommend pilot projects to address these.”

Full article:

New Civil Engineer - WSP to mastermind rural mobility strategy for South West England


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