The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Youth Work Week 2023 - Join us in celebrating youth work in every place and space

As an important infrastructure body for the youth sector, we’re delighted to share Youth Work Week publicity packs and upcoming events for Youth Work Week 2023 (6th – 13th November) with you.

We hope your organisation will join us in sharing our annual week of celebration, celebrating youth work and youth workers through this year’s theme of ‘Youth work in every place and space’, with your networks.

We’ve created a publicity pack that anyone can download from the website, and it would be great if your organisation could get involved in sharing graphics on social media whilst sharing information about Youth Work Week to your networks for them to get involved and potentially plan their own event (or joining our online sessions during the week).

The publicity pack contains:

- Images, graphics and wording:

    • Statement cards: “Youth work in ….” cards to use digitally and physically for people to pose with or to be on display. We encourage use of these on social media, during events and to place on displays to showcase the different settings that youth work is delivered in.
    • Youth work in every space and place graphics: Images for social media to share our campaign around ‘Youth work in every place and space.’
    • Newsletter template: to be shared in newsletters or webpage copies

- Template press release: an outline of what to send out to local media contacts.

- Event planning tools (if you or others would like to deliver an event):

    • Guide for planning your own event: Hints and Tips – organisations shouldn’t hesitate in contacting NYA to help with promoting, attending and/or speaking at your YWW23 event.
    • Event Poster: a template poster for promoting an online or offline event.
    • MP/Councillor Invite Letter: Support on inviting a your local councillor or MP to an event.

Other activities that everyone can get involved in:

- Share your stories: We want to hear about the youth work you and/or your network deliver in places and spaces. These can be showcasing an open access youth centre or telling us about an unusual setting that might surprise us! We want to show the breadth of the youth sector and how young people are supported in a variety of settings, but we can only do this with your help Go to the YWW23 webpage and scroll down to complete.

- Join our NYA online events: There are online events throughout the week across different topics and themes. Some details are being defined, but anyone can sign up to events you would like to join and we have one event where we’re looking for local youth organisations to present their important work! Please share these events with those who you think would be interested in joining them. The events page will continue to be updated up until Youth Work Week.

We hope you’ll get involved in activities during Youth Work Week 23 and share these opportunities with your network.


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