02/12/24 - RSN and RSP AGM 2024

- To download the agenda associated with this meeting click here
- The download the minutes for this meeting click here

Decisions from the meeting

Rural Services Partnership AGM by Nik Harwood, Chair of RSP
Members agreed the minutes of the previous meeting.

To note the Company Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024
Members received the Company Accounts for the year ended 31March 2024.

Re-appointment TaxAssist of Ludlow as the Company’s Tax Accountants
Members noted the reappointment by RSP Directors of TaxAssist of Ludlow as the Company’s Tax Accountants.

Appointment of Directors
It was agreed that all the existing Directors be re-appointed and Cllr Roger Phillips continue as Chair.

Appointment of RSP Chair
Nik Harwood to be re-appointed as Chair of the Rural Services Partnership.

Appointment of Chair, Deputy Chair and Members of the Executive
- Members agreed the Executive be nominated en-block.

- Cllr John Shuttleworth proposed that Cllr Phillips continue as Chair of the Executive. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Julia Huffer and agreed.

Report of the RSN Executive:
 (1) 2024/25 Budget Report
 (2) 2024/25 Estimates
The following recommendations were agreed:

  • That the Revised 2024/25 budget report be noted.
  • That SPARSE and Rural Assembly membership fees and all Rural Services Partnership Groups membership fees should increase by 5% for 2025/26.
  • That the Draft Estimates/Budget for 2025/26 be approved.
  • That in accordance with current practice the RSN Executive be authorised to approve in year variations to the Budgets.

Amendments to the Constitution
Members approved the amendments to the Constitution.

Future on-line meeting dates and seminars 2024/25
Members approved the online meeting dates and seminars for 2024/25.

Annual Review of RSN Work including RSP, RMTG and RVSG, and RHCA work
Members noted the report.

The full minutes, which provides further details about the decisions made at this meeting, can be downloaded here

The Presentations from the meeting can be downloaded below


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