The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Revitalising Rural

Revitalising Rural: Realising the Vision is a campaign led by the Rural Services Network to challenge Government on a number of policy areas that affect rural communities. It was launched on March 1st 2021.

You can read all about the launch event which was Chaired by Philip Dunne Mp, Chair of the APPG on Rural Services at this link.

To read the launch report summarising panel discussions, click here

Rural areas should not be left behind in the Government drive to level up the different areas and regions of our country.

We have extensively consulted our members throughout the development of these documents and the policy asks on Government. 





Revitalising Rural, Realising the Vision is a live campaign and our Asks of Government will change, depending on the current circumstances and in response to policy changes introduced by the Government.  This document enables you to see where our asks have changed, as the campaign has evolved.


Rural Fair Funding

Click here to read this chapter

Rural Digital Connectivity

Click here to read this chapter

Rural Transport and Access to Services

Click here to read this chapter

Access to Rural Health and Care Services

Click here to read this chapter

Rural Schools and Community Facilities

Click here to read this chapter

Rural Economies

Click here to read this chapter

Rural Planning

Click here to read this chapter

Rural Further Education, Training and Skills

Click here to read this chapter

Parish Councils and Rural Community Action

Click here to read this chapter

Rural Town Centres and High Streets

Click here to read this chapter

Availability of Rural Affordable Housing

Click here to read this chapter

Managing a Rural Older Population

Click here to read this chapter

Sustainable Farming and Land Management

Click here to read this chapter

Decarbonising Rural Communities and Economies

Click here to read this chapter

Tracking our Rural Asks

Click here to see how our asks have changed, as the campaign has evolved


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