The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

RMTG Sounding Board Focuses on Young People

Earlier this month, the Rural Market Towns Group (RMTG) held a sounding board session centered on the challenges and opportunities facing young people in rural communities. The session provided a platform for representatives from various market town councils to share their insights, discuss pressing issues, and highlight initiatives that are making a difference. The discussion was framed around three main topics: the biggest challenges facing young people, current initiatives and best practices, and desired policies for future support.

Top Issues Facing Young People in Rural Communities

During the session, participants were asked to identify the three biggest issues facing young people in their communities. A common theme emerged around limited access to services and activities, leading to feelings of isolation and a lack of opportunities. The challenges have been exacerbated over the past three years by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic uncertainty, and changes in social behaviour.

The sounding board highlighted a number of successful initiatives aimed at supporting young people in rural communities. These examples of best practices demonstrate how councils can make a tangible difference in the lives of their younger residents.

Soham Town Council Initiatives: Soham Town Council has undertaken several initiatives to enhance the recreational spaces available to young people. The expansion of the local skatepark is a key project, providing a dedicated space for outdoor activities. Additionally, the council has installed picnic units in the recreation ground, although they have faced challenges with vandalism. Despite these setbacks, the council is committed to improving these spaces, demonstrating perseverance in the face of adversity. The council is also working to bring back the Youth Connection Bus, a mobile youth service that offers support and activities, which was delayed due to a lack of drivers.

- More details about other initiatives from Soham Town Council can be found here

Cricklade Town Council, Wiltshire: Cricklade Town Council has made significant strides in providing safe spaces for young people. Responding to issues of anti-social behaviour, the council established a weekly session for 13-18-year-olds at a local leisure centre. This initiative, initially supported by a grant from the Wiltshire Council area board, is now fully funded by Cricklade Town Council. The sessions are facilitated by The Rise Trust, which provides youth work support across North Wiltshire. The council also supports an annual skateboarding event and a youth festival, offering young people a chance to engage in new activities. These efforts have led to a reduction in anti-social behaviour and positive feedback from the community.

- More details about this initiative from Cricklade Town Council can be found here

Uppingham Youth Space: Uppingham Youth Space offers a weekly drop-in session for 11-16-year-olds, run by a local charity at the Town Hall. This project aims to improve mental health and wellbeing by providing a space where young people can socialise, participate in activities, and receive support. Despite challenges in securing funding due to the town's image of affluence, the charity has successfully obtained a five-year grant from the National Lottery Community Fund and additional support from local organisations. The project has been a lifeline for many young people, particularly those who do not participate in sports, offering them a safe and supportive environment.

The RMTG sounding board provided valuable insights into the challenges facing young people in rural communities and highlighted innovative initiatives that are making a difference. The session highlighted the importance of continued support, both through local initiatives and government policy, to ensure that rural young people have the opportunities they need to thrive. The examples shared, from Soham to Uppingham, demonstrate the resilience and creativity of rural communities in addressing these challenges, offering a model for others to follow.

- More details about the Uppingham Youth Space initiative can be found here


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