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Local Authority Finance underpins all of the work of Local Authorities and effective management of these scarce resources is very important to all Councillors, Officers and Rural Communities.
We provide a range of services to help support Local Authority Finance Officers and Councillors.
We carry out RO and RA analysis and provide comparisons for Councils so that they can see their spend or budgeted spend against other similar rural authorities.
A large part of our work includes campaigning for fairer funding for rural local authorities.
- Urban local authorities will receive some 36% (£141.71) MORE in Government Funded Spending Power per head compared to rural authorities.
- Rural residents will pay, on average, 20% (£112.33) MORE per head in Council Tax than their urban counterparts due to receiving less government grant
Rural residents pay more, receive fewer services and, on average, earn less than those in urban areas and that is inequitable
The way that the Local Government Finance Settlement has been calculated has resulted in rural areas being significantly underfunded when compared to urban areas for a number of years.
We appreciate that we are in a time of austerity and cuts are being made to local government funding, however we are campaigning for a fairer distribution of the funds, so that historical imbalances where rural areas are penalised, do not continue.
Each year we provide an analysis of the Local Government Finance Settlement. This supports the work that we do with the Fairer Funding Campaign and also provides useful information for individual authorities as to their position.
We provide a range of information and briefings about key proposals from the Government in relation to local authority finance, consultation information and Calls for Evidence from both us and the Government for information.
This analysis is taken from the RA revenue estimate returns made by each authority to the Government. It shows authority expenditiure per head divided into key areas of service and provides a comparison with relevant benchmarks. ...
This analysis is taken from the final outturn estimates of local authority revenue expenditure and financing, and provides the expenditure per head for each service area, the corresponding percentage of total service expenditure, and in both cases an average for...
In a determined Westminster Hall debate last week on Government Funding for Local Authorities , concerns were sharply voiced regarding the financial sustainability of rural councils, particularly highlighted by Helen Morgan, MP for North Shropshire. The focus was squarely...
Sparse Rural represents rural local authorities and is campaigning for Fairer Funding for Rural Areas. Rural Areas are currently unfairly underfunded in the Local Government Finance Settlement. The Final Local Government Finance Settlement was published on...
The Rural Services Network is the national voice for rural areas, campaigning on our members behalf for a fairer deal for rural communities. The consultation on the way that Government allocates funding for rural councils closed yesterday. However, you...
Our Chief Executive Graham Biggs MBE gave evidence today (16th October 2018) to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Rural Economy. He responded to a number of questions on the Rural Economy and here is a...
The RSN has responded to the Finance Settlement 2019 Technical Consultation (September 2018) You can download the full RSN response below: PDF Version - click here Word version - click here...
Response from the Rural Services Network/ SPARSE-Rural – March 2018 The Rural services Network, whilst represented on the Working Group welcomes the opportunity to input into the Fair Funding Relative Needs consultation 2018 You can download the...
We provide a wide range of analysis and information to support our position with our fairer funding campaign. This ranges from information for Members of Parliament to enable them to take part in high profile parliamentary debates to information for...
Submitted by email 28th October, 2016 to LGFConsultation@communities.gsi.gov.uk We are responding to this consultation as the organisation Rural Services Network. We are a Special Interest Group of the Local Government Association and we represent over 125 Local Authorities...
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Amid reduced public spending, fair resource allocation across regions is crucial. Despite a population larger than Greater London, rural areas receive significantly less funding for essential services, even though delivering these services in rural areas is more expensive.
Economic growth is widely acknowledged as essential for national wealth and prosperity and is a priority for political parties. Rural economies, employing millions and home to a higher proportion of small businesses, have potential for growth if barriers are removed.
Rural residents face distinct healthcare challenges, including limited access to transport, longer distances to medical facilities, an aging demographic, housing inadequacies, digital connectivity gaps, and difficulties recruiting health and care workers.
Rural communities are grappling with a severe affordable housing crisis, marked by high house prices, a lack of affordable housing, elevated living costs, and lower incomes, threatening their sustainability and vitality.
Transport is vital for the quality of life and economic health of rural areas, yet it faces challenges such as infrequent public bus services and less Government funding compared to urban regions.
Rural areas, encompassing a substantial portion of England's population and land, play a pivotal role in combating climate change and achieving the net zero target.
In an increasingly digital world, the lack of robust digital infrastructure in rural areas severely limits access to crucial services and stifles economic growth.
A future-focused vision for rural communities involves not just building the right homes in the right places but also ensuring thriving, sustainable communities.
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