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This is not an official website of Parliament. It has not been approved by either House. APPGs are informal groups of Parliamentarians with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed are those of the group. |
The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Rural Services is a cross party Group of MP’s from rural constituencies that come together to promote debate on the provision of rural services and to issue periodic reports.
21st January 2025 Meeting Minutes
- Associated Paper - Why heat pumps sum up all that is wrong with 'net zero'
- Associated Paper - Fuel Bank Heat Fund
- Associated Paper - RSN Briefing Note - Decarbonisation of Off Gas Grid Heating APPG Meeting 19 July 2022
- Associated Paper - A Report to the Rural Services All Party Parliamentary Group on - Towards the Social Care White Paper 2021: Social Care in a Rural Context
- Associated Paper - Rural Lens Review of Adult Social Care Reform White Paper
- Associated Paper - Briefing Note: Rural Implications of the Government’s response to Changes to the Planning System and the new Shared Ownership mode
- Associated Paper - Letter to Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP (Minister for Housing)
- Associated Paper - Letter of response from Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP (Minister for Housing)
- Associated paper - The Shared Rural Network - Improving Rural Connectivity
- Associated paper - Response to the DCMS Committee Broadband and the road to 5G report
- Associated paper - APPG letter to the Minister for Digital Infrastructure 'Delivering broadband to hard to reach rural areas'
- Associated paper - Response from the Minister for Digital Infrastructure to the letter 'Delivering broadband to hard to reach rural areas'
- Associated paper - Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 - Submission Asks
- Associated paper - Letter calling for a rural bus strategy
- Associated paper - Attachment 1 (Rural Bus Services: Commentary by First
- Associated paper - Attachment 2 (County APPG – Rural Bus Services – Rural Services Partnership Technical Appendix)
- Associated paper - Attachment 3 (Revitalising Rural - Realising the Vision - Digital Connectivity draft chapter)
- Associated paper - Attachment 4 (Revitalising Rural - Realising the Vision - Energy Infrastructure and Renewables draft chapter)
- Associated paper - Attachment 5 (Revitalising Rural - Realising the Vision - Transport and access to jobs and opportunities draft chapter)
- Associated paper - Attachment 6 (Revitalising Rural - Realising the Vision - Decarbonising Rural Communities and Economies draft chapter)
Associated paper - Attachment 1 (Community Catalysts Presentation)
Associated paper - Attachment 2 (Hampshire County Council Presentation)
Associated paper - Attachment 3 (Tackling Social Isolation in Rural Hampshire Project Report)
Associated paper - Attachment 4 (Summary of Responses - Adult Social Care Inquiry)
Associated paper - Attachment 5 (Data on Ageing Population Projections)
Associated paper - Attachment 1 (Previous meeting minutes)
Associated paper - Attachment 2 (Draft Response Re Community Transport)
Associated paper - Attachment 3 (Green papers to APPG 03.07.18)
Associated paper - Attachment 4 (RSN Response to Joint Select Cttees re Adult Social Care Funding)
Associated paper - Providing Community Transport Services in a Rural Area (Donna Atkinson - Little Green Bus)
Associated paper - Document on Transport (Nick Hubbard)
Associated paper - The true cost of crime in rural areas (NRCN)
Associated paper - Working Together to beat Rural Crime (NFU Mutual)
Associated paper - Update on Rural Broadband
Associated paper - (Glossary to the Broadband presentation)
Associated paper - Rural Housing Alliance Allocations Report
Associated paper - Presentation (by Dan Bates) on the current financial position relating to the Rural Fair Share campaign
Associated paper - Rural Communities:Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2013–14
Associated paper - Update on the Rural Health Network - January 2014
Associated paper - MPIG (minimum practice income guarantee) presentation
Associated paper - The Campaign for Better Transport’s “Buses in Crisis” report
Associated paper - Key Rural Housing Issues stemming from discussion at the Rural Services APPG on 12 November 2013
Associated paper - Impact of the Spare Room Subsidy in Rural Areas: Report of Data from Survey of Members of the Rural Housing Alliance
Associated paper - Ofcom report
Associated paper - Spending Power Analysis
Associated paper - Spending Power Analysis presentation
Associated paper - Big Green Gap Year
Associated paper - Future of Rural Energy
Associated paper - Village Energy Audits
Associated paper - Big Green Gap Year Proposal
Associated paper - FSB Rural Report
Associated paper - Mike Cherry Short Biography
Associated paper - Vulnerability Index Results
Associated paper - Broadband Request to MP's
Associated paper - John Birtwislte Presentation
Associated paper - Appendix A
Associated paper - Appendix B
Associated paper - Appendix C
Associated paper - All Party Group on Rural Services
Associated paper - Notts Healthcare NHS Trust Notes
Associated paper - Stuart Davies Presentation
Associated paper - Sparse Presentation
Associated paper - John Birtwistle report on Transport
Associated paper - Education Select Committee 16-19 Participation Enquiry
Associated paper - Rural Transport Presentation
Associated paper - Damping Presentation
Associated paper - Pete Smith Presentation
Associated paper - Concessionary Travel - Unitaries
If you need more information please email [email protected]
This is not an official website [or feed] of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either House or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary groups are informal groups of Members of both Houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in these webpages are those of this group.
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