The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Levelling Up: Missions and Metrics - Analysis of Mission 6

Levelling Up: Missions and Metrics

“The Levelling Up White Paper sets out twelve missions that support key levelling up objectives. These outline the medium-term ambition for the UK Government and act as an anchor for the expectations and plans of the private sector and civil society.”

The Rural Services Network has explored the missions and metrics and as part of their membership offer, has created an analysis for each local authority in SPARSE membership of RSN.  This shows  their position compared to other rural local authorities and the England Average.  This enables the council to see their performance for each of the measures that the Government says it will be focusing on.

Mission 6: By 2030, the number of people successfully completing high-quality skills training will have significantly increased in every area of the UK. In England, this will lead to 200,000 more people successfully completing high-quality skills training annually, driven by 80,000 more people completing courses in the lowest skilled areas.

How does this mission relate to spatial disparities?

This mission is aimed at making sure skill levels rise in all areas of the country, and particularly in the places where they are the weakest, so that more people have the skills they need to get good jobs. Skills are a crucial driver of economic disparities between people and places. Boosting skills improves human capital and is a clear way to improve the earnings potential and life chances of people who have already left school.

Metrics considered within the analysis:

  1. Adult (19+) Education and Training aim achievements per 1,000 population
  2. Number of starts on apprenticeships per 100,000 people
  3. Number of achievements on apprenticeships per 100,000 people
  4. Proportion of the population aged 16 – 64 with level 3+ qualifications
  5. 19+ further education and skills participation, per 100,000 population
You can download your tailored analysis by clicking on your authorities logo below:


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